The Alameda County Department of Environmental Health Land Use Program coordinates with local, regional and state agencies on land use projects to provide and administer public services to encourage the development of a safe and healthy community and environment through the permitting of adequate sewage disposal and domestic water supply.
The Land Use Program ensures compliance with the Alameda County Onsite Wastewater & Individual/Small Water System Ordinance & Regulations, the standard, laws and guidelines adopted by the State of California Water Resources Control Board, the San Francisco Regional Water Quality Control Board, and the Alameda County Flood Control and Water Conservation District (Zone 7) by coordinating with:
Onsite Wastewater Systems are small-scale systems that are neccessary to dispose of wastewater in areas with no connection to a municipial sewer.
Types of Onsite Wastewater Treatement Systems (OWTS)
- Conventional (or standard) systems consist of three main parts:
- A septic tank
- Drainfield (or leachfield)
- Soil beneath the drainfield
- Engineered (Newer) OWTS (or alternative systems) combine the basic elements of conventional systems with other components that allow improved treatment of the septic system sewage prior to disposal. Engineered systems are utilized in areas of concern (nitrate impacted groundwater, high seasonal groundwater, poor soils) and sites with limited space for development.
Alameda County Commission on Septic System Issues
October 18, 2012 Meeting
August 7, 2012 Meeting